IELTS e-placement test



Section 3
Which company website has the following features?

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ข้อที่ 1

bicycle catalogue .....

A Hills Cycles website

B Wheels Unlimited website

C both websites

ข้อที่ 2

price list .....

A both websites

B Wheels Unlimited website

C Hills Cycles website

ข้อที่ 3

bicycle accessories .....

A Wheels Unlimited website

B Hills Cycles website

C both websites

ข้อที่ 4

company history .....

A both websites

B Wheels Unlimited website

C Hills Cycles website

ข้อที่ 5

online ordering .....

A both websites

B Hills Cycles website

C Wheels Unlimited website

ข้อที่ 6

moving graphics .....

A Hills Cycles website

B Wheels Unlimited website

C both websites

ข้อที่ 7

According to the tutor, the basic criterion for evaluating the websites should relate to

A appearance.

B target customers.

C ease of use.

ข้อที่ 8

On the subject of timing, the tutor says

A the students’ plan is appropriate.

B the students’ presentation will be too long.

C the students can extend the presentation if necessary.

ข้อที่ 9

Sarah and Jack will share the work by

A managing different aspects.

B speaking in short turns.

C doing half the presentation each.

ข้อที่ 10

The tutor advises Sarah and Jack not to

A use a lot of visuals.

B talk too much.

C show complicated lists.


Section 3
Which company website has the following features?


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Section 4
Answer the questions below.

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ข้อที่ 1

Which elephants stay together all their life?

A Adults Females

B Both males and females

C Elephants aged between 10 to 20

D Adults Males

ข้อที่ 2

What are elephant family groups known as?

A Habitable Groups

B Bond Groups

C Bonding Groups

D Binding Groups

ข้อที่ 3

When scientists tracked groups of elephants, which feature of behaviour did they notice?

A Co-ordination

B Co-operation

C Creativity

D Teamwork

ข้อที่ 4

Which sense do elephants probably use to communicate over long distances?

A Speaking

B Sighting

C Hearing

D Smelling

ข้อที่ 5

What did American scientists do with a recording of elephant calls?

A Broadcast it

B Experiment it

C Observe it

D Treat it

ข้อที่ 6

What did the elephants in the experiment rush to find?

A Adult females

B A female (elephant)

C Broadcast it

D Hearing

E Co-ordination

F Hear it

G Bond groups

ข้อที่ 7

What were scientists unable to do with the recording they had made?

A To sight

B To smell

C To sense

D To hear

ข้อที่ 8

What does the lecturer say about each type of elephant call?
Greeting .....

A continuously increases in pitch

B is usually accompanied by a nod of the head

C cannot be heard by humans at all

D is repeated over a long period

E is usually accompanied by a leg movement

F begins and ends at the same pitch

G continually fluctuates in volume

ข้อที่ 9

What does the lecturer say about each type of elephant call?
Contact call .....

A is usually accompanied by a leg movement

B is usually accompanied by a nod of the head

C cannot be heard by humans at all

D continually fluctuates in volume

E is repeated over a long period

F continuously increases in pitch

G begins and ends at the same pitch

ข้อที่ 10

What does the lecturer say about each type of elephant call?
Summons to move on .....

A is repeated over a long period

B cannot be heard by humans at all

C is usually accompanied by a leg movement

D begins and ends at the same pitch

E is usually accompanied by a nod of the head

F continuously increases in pitch

G continually fluctuates in volume


Section 4
Answer the questions below.


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In Praise of Amateurs

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ข้อที่ 1

Prior to the 19th century, professional (1) ............. did not exist and scientific research was largely carried out by amateurs. However, while (2) ............. today is mostly the domain of professionals, a recent US survey highlighted the fact that amateurs play an important role in at least seven (3)............. and indeed many professionals are reliant on their (4) ............. In areas such as astronomy, amateurs can be invaluable when making specific (5) ............. on a global basis. Similarly in the area of palaeontology their involvement is invaluable and helpers are easy to recruit because of the popularity of (6) ............. Amateur birdwatchers also play an active role and their work has led to the establishment of a (7) ............. Occasionally the term ‘amateur’ has been the source of disagreement and alternative names have been suggested but generally speaking, as long as the professional scientists (8) ............. the work of the non-professionals, the two groups can work productively together.

A observations

B acknowledge

C dinosaurs

D conservation programme

E fields

F science

G scientists

H co-operation or collaboration

ข้อที่ 2

Prior to the 19th century, professional (1) ............. did not exist and scientific research was largely carried out by amateurs. However, while (2) ............. today is mostly the domain of professionals, a recent US survey highlighted the fact that amateurs play an important role in at least seven (3)............. and indeed many professionals are reliant on their (4) ............. In areas such as astronomy, amateurs can be invaluable when making specific (5) ............. on a global basis. Similarly in the area of palaeontology their involvement is invaluable and helpers are easy to recruit because of the popularity of (6) ............. Amateur birdwatchers also play an active role and their work has led to the establishment of a (7) ............. Occasionally the term ‘amateur’ has been the source of disagreement and alternative names have been suggested but generally speaking, as long as the professional scientists (8) ............. the work of the non-professionals, the two groups can work productively together.

A dinosaurs

B co-operation or collaboration

C observations

D science

E scientists

F conservation programme

G acknowledge

H fields

ข้อที่ 3

Prior to the 19th century, professional (1) ............. did not exist and scientific research was largely carried out by amateurs. However, while (2) ............. today is mostly the domain of professionals, a recent US survey highlighted the fact that amateurs play an important role in at least seven (3)............. and indeed many professionals are reliant on their (4) ............. In areas such as astronomy, amateurs can be invaluable when making specific (5) ............. on a global basis. Similarly in the area of palaeontology their involvement is invaluable and helpers are easy to recruit because of the popularity of (6) ............. Amateur birdwatchers also play an active role and their work has led to the establishment of a (7) ............. Occasionally the term ‘amateur’ has been the source of disagreement and alternative names have been suggested but generally speaking, as long as the professional scientists (8) ............. the work of the non-professionals, the two groups can work productively together.

A acknowledge

B observations

C scientists

D conservation programme

E co-operation or collaboration

F science

G dinosaurs

H fields

ข้อที่ 4

Prior to the 19th century, professional (1) ............. did not exist and scientific research was largely carried out by amateurs. However, while (2) ............. today is mostly the domain of professionals, a recent US survey highlighted the fact that amateurs play an important role in at least seven (3)............. and indeed many professionals are reliant on their (4) ............. In areas such as astronomy, amateurs can be invaluable when making specific (5) ............. on a global basis. Similarly in the area of palaeontology their involvement is invaluable and helpers are easy to recruit because of the popularity of (6) ............. Amateur birdwatchers also play an active role and their work has led to the establishment of a (7) ............. Occasionally the term ‘amateur’ has been the source of disagreement and alternative names have been suggested but generally speaking, as long as the professional scientists (8) ............. the work of the non-professionals, the two groups can work productively together.

A science

B dinosaurs

C fields

D observations

E co-operation or collaboration

F conservation programme

G scientists

H acknowledge

ข้อที่ 5

Prior to the 19th century, professional (1) ............. did not exist and scientific research was largely carried out by amateurs. However, while (2) ............. today is mostly the domain of professionals, a recent US survey highlighted the fact that amateurs play an important role in at least seven (3)............. and indeed many professionals are reliant on their (4) ............. In areas such as astronomy, amateurs can be invaluable when making specific (5) ............. on a global basis. Similarly in the area of palaeontology their involvement is invaluable and helpers are easy to recruit because of the popularity of (6) ............. Amateur birdwatchers also play an active role and their work has led to the establishment of a (7) ............. Occasionally the term ‘amateur’ has been the source of disagreement and alternative names have been suggested but generally speaking, as long as the professional scientists (8) ............. the work of the non-professionals, the two groups can work productively together.

A co-operation or collaboration

B fields

C acknowledge

D conservation programme

E observations

F science

G dinosaurs

H scientists

ข้อที่ 6

Prior to the 19th century, professional (1) ............. did not exist and scientific research was largely carried out by amateurs. However, while (2) ............. today is mostly the domain of professionals, a recent US survey highlighted the fact that amateurs play an important role in at least seven (3)............. and indeed many professionals are reliant on their (4) ............. In areas such as astronomy, amateurs can be invaluable when making specific (5) ............. on a global basis. Similarly in the area of palaeontology their involvement is invaluable and helpers are easy to recruit because of the popularity of (6) ............. Amateur birdwatchers also play an active role and their work has led to the establishment of a (7) ............. Occasionally the term ‘amateur’ has been the source of disagreement and alternative names have been suggested but generally speaking, as long as the professional scientists (8) ............. the work of the non-professionals, the two groups can work productively together.

A science

B acknowledge

C scientists

D dinosaurs

E fields

F co-operation or collaboration

G observations

H conservation programme

ข้อที่ 7

Prior to the 19th century, professional (1) ............. did not exist and scientific research was largely carried out by amateurs. However, while (2) ............. today is mostly the domain of professionals, a recent US survey highlighted the fact that amateurs play an important role in at least seven (3)............. and indeed many professionals are reliant on their (4) ............. In areas such as astronomy, amateurs can be invaluable when making specific (5) ............. on a global basis. Similarly in the area of palaeontology their involvement is invaluable and helpers are easy to recruit because of the popularity of (6) ............. Amateur birdwatchers also play an active role and their work has led to the establishment of a (7) ............. Occasionally the term ‘amateur’ has been the source of disagreement and alternative names have been suggested but generally speaking, as long as the professional scientists (8) ............. the work of the non-professionals, the two groups can work productively together.

A science

B scientists

C conservation programme

D observations

E fields

F dinosaurs

G co-operation or collaboration

H acknowledge

ข้อที่ 8

Prior to the 19th century, professional (1) ............. did not exist and scientific research was largely carried out by amateurs. However, while (2) ............. today is mostly the domain of professionals, a recent US survey highlighted the fact that amateurs play an important role in at least seven (3)............. and indeed many professionals are reliant on their (4) ............. In areas such as astronomy, amateurs can be invaluable when making specific (5) ............. on a global basis. Similarly in the area of palaeontology their involvement is invaluable and helpers are easy to recruit because of the popularity of (6) ............. Amateur birdwatchers also play an active role and their work has led to the establishment of a (7) ............. Occasionally the term ‘amateur’ has been the source of disagreement and alternative names have been suggested but generally speaking, as long as the professional scientists (8) ............. the work of the non-professionals, the two groups can work productively together.

A science

B co-operation or collaboration

C observations

D fields

E acknowledge

F scientists

G conservation programme

H dinosaurs

ข้อที่ 9

Classify the following opinions as referring to<br> 9) Amateur involvement can also be an instructive pastime.

A Adrian Hunt

B Dr Carlson

C Rick Bonney

D Dr Fienberg

ข้อที่ 10

Classify the following opinions as referring to<br> 10) Amateur scientists are prone to accidents.

A Dr Fienberg

B Adrian Hunt

C Rick Bonney

D Dr Carlson

ข้อที่ 11

Classify the following opinions as referring to<br> 11) Science does not belong to professional scientists alone.

A Adrian Hunt

B Dr Fienberg

C Dr Carlson

D Rick Bonney

ข้อที่ 12

Classify the following opinions as referring to<br> 12) In certain areas of my work, people are a more valuable resource than technology.

A Dr Fienberg

B Adrian Hunt

C Dr Carlson

D Rick Bonney

ข้อที่ 13

Classify the following opinions as referring to<br> 13) It is important to give amateurs a name which reflects the value of their work.

A Dr Carlson

B Adrian Hunt

C Rick Bonney

D Dr Fienberg


In Praise of Amateurs


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Writing Test 30 minutes

ข้อที่ 1

You should spend about 30 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Old tradition and culture should be all replaced by the modern tradition and culture. To what extent do you agree? Why? Write at least 5,000 words. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

A Old tradition and culture should be all replaced by the modern tradition and culture. To what extent do you agree? Why?


Writing Test 30 minutes


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