

Passage 1

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ข้อที่ 1

1. We can justifiably infer from this passage that the appearance of Willis Reed at the seventh game of the Lakers-Knicks playoff in 1970:

A was necessary to the Knick ่s victory.

B played some part in the Knicks ่ victory.

C brought New Yorkers a new perspective on the significance of physical injury.

D was at the insistence of his coach.

ข้อที่ 2

2. As it is used in the context of the passage, word "operatic" in paragraph 2 most nearly means:

A classical.

B musical.

C comedic.

D histrionic.

ข้อที่ 3

3. Which of the following would most undermine Koppett's position on the difference between basketball and other sports like football and baseball?

A Following a basketball game, commentators discuss the

B After a basketball game, commentators discuss a particular team member ่s strengths and weaknesses.

C contrasting playing styles of team members.

D Days after a basketball game, commentators cite a memorable play made in the third quarter.

E After a football game, commentators cite a memorable play made in the last few moments of the game.

ข้อที่ 4

4. The author most likely compares basketball to jazz primarily in order to:

A suggest that, like jazz, basketball allows for flexibility and individual excellence within a set format.

B assert that basketball is a newer and more dynamic sport than football or baseball.

C indicate that basketball requires athletes to be fast.

D claim that because of the fast-paced and unpredictable nature of the sport, basketball players are among the most skilled athletes.

ข้อที่ 5

5. The primary purpose of the passage is most nearly:

A to compare and contrast basketball players and musicians.

B to describe the unique characteristics and challenges of the sport of basketball.

C to describe the crucial role of the referee in a basketball game.

D to defend the ideas offered in Leonard Koppett ่s All About Basketball against his critics.

ข้อที่ 6

6. The role of the individual athlete during a basketball game as described by the author is most analogous to:

A the role of an average student in a class.

B the role of a member of a selective think-tank in a brainstorming session.

C the role of the solo instrumentalist in an orchestra.

D the role of the director of a film.

ข้อที่ 7

7. The author describes the reaction of the coach in paragraph 3 in order to do all of the following EXCEPT:

A provide an illustration of the various emotions that can be inspired by the game.

B contrast the limited role of the coach with the central role of the referee.

C indicate a limitation on the role of the coach during the game.

D communicate the unpredictable nature of the game.


Passage 1


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Passage 2

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ข้อที่ 1

1. Which of the following statements best expresses the main point of the passage?

A Benjamin Franklin ่s deep insights into moral and religious questions, although gaining him the respect of many, contrasted sharply with the simplicity of his writing style.

B Benjamin Franklin ่s writings were distinctive in his day for arguing against religious dogma and in favor of tolerance, thereby attracting much criticism from other authors.

C The simplicity of Benjamin Franklin ่s writing, although somewhat at odds with the sophistication of his thought, was connected to the broad-mindedness that gained him the respect of many of his contemporaries.

D Despite being accused of hypocrisy, Benjamin Franklin became successful because of his gift for simple speech and to his impressive tolerance.

ข้อที่ 2

2. It is reasonable to infer from the passage that D. H. Lawrence:

A upheld in his own household and writings the accepted conventions of family life.

B believed that successful religions are usually hypocritical.

C was envious of Benjamin Franklin ่s wealth and popularity.

D was more critical of Franklin ่s writings than of his behavior.

ข้อที่ 3

3. In the context of the passage, the word "vigorous" most nearly signifies:

A healthy.

B tolerant.

C vociferous.

D diligent.

ข้อที่ 4

4. According the passage, the relationship of Franklin's writing style to his ideas is most analogous to which of the following

A An intricate painting composed entirely of basic geometric shapes.

B A novel advocating virtues that the author does not uphold in his own personal life.

C symphony which alternates between fast and slow sections.

D A movie showing the same events from different perspectives, each of which is equally valid.

ข้อที่ 5

5. The authors probably quote Franklin in paragraph 2 in order to:

A deride the trite expressions common to his more popular writings,

B contrast Franklin ่s and Lawrence ่s moral outlook,

C illustrate his simple and unpretentious style,

D emphasize his preference for action over speech.

ข้อที่ 6

6. Which of the following statements, if true, would most call into question the authors' characterization of Benjamin Franklin's attitude towards religion?

A Although Franklin often attended religious services, he did not claim formal membership in any religious institution.

B Franklin was influential in removing ่sacred and undeniable ่ from Thomas Jefferson ่s first draft of the Declaration of Independence and in replacing these words with ่self-evident. ่

C Like D. H. Lawrence, Franklin was greatly intrigued by Eastern religions, helping to bring Buddhist and Hindu lecturers to Boston and Philadelphia.

D Active with the Freemasons, Franklin published pamphlets denouncing the beliefs of the Catholic Church.

ข้อที่ 7

7. It may be inferred from the passage that each of the following describes Benjamin Franklin's writings EXCEPT:

A they attracted some readership outside the United States.

B they were notable for their somewhat commonplace style.

C their style reflected in a certain fashion Franklin\'s attitude towards religion.

D they at times addressed controversial religious topics.


Passage 2


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